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电话: 02886316289
传真: 02886316689
姓名: 朱跃银
Top Machinery Co., Ltd

  Top technology founded in 2002. located in Chengdu. Being with convenient traffic, developed communication, vast territory and a good space for development. We are professional manufacturer and exporter of accessories for water,oil, gas,and environmental industries. The products mainly including continuous slot screen, pipe base screen, perforated tube, slotted pipe, Screen Mesh, strainer, casing pipe, centralizer with any specifications and materials etc. that concerned with well drilling project. Since the company established, we insist on good quality, making the business range extend continually. At present we have been marketing our products are export to much international market pla...

主要产品/业务: 拓普机械是专业的生产和出口滤水管和矿筛网产品的公司,产品广泛应用于水井,油田,天然气和环保行业。 我司主要产品包括: 全焊式绕丝筛管,带中心管筛管,钻孔管,割缝管,筛板,滤水器,天然气过滤器,套管,油管及其配件,和各类钻井产品。

Top Machinery Co., Ltd / 四川 / 成都市人民南路四段一号 (610041 ) / 电话:02886316289

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